#### Compliance with LGPLv3 protocol #### Help Document:[https://www.alibabacloud.com/help](https://www.alibabacloud.com/help) #### Website:[https://www.ghink.net](https://www.ghink.net) #### Gitee:gitee.com/ghink #### Donate:afdian.net/@ghink ## About JSON File: #### { #### "RR": "", #### "Domain": "", #### "IPV4": "", #### "IPV6": "", #### "accessKeyId": "", #### "accessSecret": "" #### } #### RR:Your RR #### Domain:Your Main Domain #### IPV4:IPV4 DDNS On(true)/Off(false) #### IPV6:IPV6 DDNS On(true)/Off(false) #### accessKeyId:Your AliDNS accessKeyId #### accessSecret:Your AliDNS accessSecret ### Example #### Your DDNS Domain is:test.example.com #### You Want to use IPV4,But Do Not Want To Use IPV6 DDNS #### { #### "RR": "test", #### "Domain": "example.com", #### "IPV4": "true", #### "IPV6": "false", #### "accessKeyId": "example", #### "accessSecret": "example" #### } ### More Help:https://www.alibabacloud.com/help # About Language/Enviroment ### Core Code is Python #### Python Use These Extend(Need To Install): #### requests #### aliyun-python-sdk-core #### aliyun-python-sdk-alidns ### Install Command(pip): #### pip install requests #### pip install aliyun-python-sdk-core #### pip install aliyun-python-sdk-alidns