2020-08-18 18:34:14 +00:00
import os , requests , json , time , sys , argparse , psutil , string , platform , glob , getpass , shutil , hashlib , random , subprocess , math , zipfile
#Environment Setup Area.
#Set Global Var.
Log = ' [Logs Output] '
number = 0
source = json . loads ( ' [ " https://bmclapi2.bangbang93.com " , " https://download.mcbbs.net " , " https://gemcapi.ghink.net/?path= " , " https://download.minebbs.com/?path= " ] ' )
#Read Config File.
config_open = open ( " config.json " , mode = ' r ' )
config_json = config_open . read ( )
config_open . close ( )
try :
config = json . loads ( config_json )
2020-08-19 07:02:49 +00:00
config_status = True
2020-08-18 18:34:14 +00:00
except :
2020-08-19 07:02:49 +00:00
config_status = False
2020-08-18 18:34:14 +00:00
Log = Log + ' \n ' + " [Program] " + ' [ ' + time . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d % H: % M: % S " , time . localtime ( ) ) + ' ] ' + ' [INFO]Starting to read config file. '
2020-08-19 07:02:49 +00:00
if ( config_status == True ) :
2020-08-18 18:34:14 +00:00
Log = Log + ' \n ' + " [ " + config [ ' name ' ] + " ] " + ' [ ' + time . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d % H: % M: % S " , time . localtime ( ) ) + ' ] ' + ' [INFO]Read config successfully. '
else :
Log = Log + ' \n ' + " [Program] " + ' [ ' + time . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d % H: % M: % S " , time . localtime ( ) ) + ' ] ' + ' [ERROR]Read config failed. '
Log = Log + ' \n ' + " [Program] " + ' [ ' + time . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d % H: % M: % S " , time . localtime ( ) ) + ' ] ' + ' [WARN]There is a deadly error,the program will stop soon. '
Log = Log + ' \n ' + " [Program] " + ' [ ' + time . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d % H: % M: % S " , time . localtime ( ) ) + ' ] ' + ' [INFO]Starting to save log. '
if os . path . exists ( ' logs ' ) :
Log = Log + ' \n ' + " [Program] " + ' [ ' + time . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d % H: % M: % S " , time . localtime ( ) ) + ' ] ' + ' [INFO]The dir logs has already existed.Nothing to do. '
else :
Log = Log + ' \n ' + " [Program] " + ' [ ' + time . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d % H: % M: % S " , time . localtime ( ) ) + ' ] ' + ' [INFO]The dir logs does not exist.The program will create one. '
os . makedirs ( ' logs ' )
logs_output = open ( ' logs/ ' + str ( time . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d - % H- % M- % S " , time . localtime ( ) ) + ' .txt ' ) , mode = ' w ' )
logs_output . write ( Log + ' \n ' + " [Program] " + ' [ ' + time . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d % H: % M: % S " , time . localtime ( ) ) + ' ] ' + ' [INFO]Save logs successfully. ' + ' \n ' + " [Program] " + ' [ ' + time . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d % H: % M: % S " , time . localtime ( ) ) + ' ] ' + ' [WARN]Please check if the json is right. ' )
logs_output . close ( )
sys . exit ( 0 )
#Get Parameter.
parser = argparse . ArgumentParser ( )
parser . add_argument ( " --launcher_name " , help = " The name of the launcher. " )
parser . add_argument ( " --launcher_version " , help = " The version of the launcher. " )
parser . add_argument ( " --type " , help = " The type of task, { \" launcher_game \" , \" search_file \" , \" get_game_version_list \" , \" get_java_path \" , \" get_system_memory \" , \" get_online_source_list \" , \" install_online_source \" , \" get_uuid \" , \" download_file \" , \" clean_logs \" , \" clean_temp \" , \" clean \" , \" clean_logs_without_output \" , \" clean_without_output \" } " )
2020-08-19 07:02:49 +00:00
parser . add_argument ( " --copyright " , help = " The copyright of the game,true of false.The default is false. " )
2020-08-18 18:34:14 +00:00
#Launcher Game Parameter Area.
#Search File Area.
parser . add_argument ( " --file_name " , help = " The name of file which you want to search. " )
parser . add_argument ( " --file_dir " , help = " The dir of file which you want to search. " )
#True Copyright.
parser . add_argument ( " --email " , help = " The email of game account.(If your game is genuine,you have to input this parameter.) " )
parser . add_argument ( " --password " , help = " The password of game account.(If your game is genuine,you have to input this parameter. " )
#False Copyright.
parser . add_argument ( " --id " , help = " The id of game.(If your game is not genuine,you have to input this parameter.) " )
#Get Game Version List Area.
parser . add_argument ( " --game_dir " , help = " The dir of your game.If you not input this parameter,the GMCL Core will use the Mojang ' s Launcher ' s game dir. " )
#Get System Memory Area.
parser . add_argument ( " --memory_data_type " , help = " The data type of memory that will return. { \" free \" , \" used \" , \" total \" , \" auto \" } " )
parser . add_argument ( " --memory_data_unit " , help = " The data unit of memory that will return,the default unit is B. { \" MB \" , \" KB \" , \" GB \" , \" B \" , \" TB \" } " )
#Get Online Resources List Area.
parser . add_argument ( " --online_resources_list_type " , help = " The online resources type of list,you have to input a json there. { \" tree_number \" :int, " )
parser . add_argument ( " --online_resources_list_return_type " , help = " The return data type of return data of online resources,the default is json. { \" json \" } " )
#Install online Source Area.
parser . add_argument ( " --install_online_resources_type " , help = " The online resources type of which resources you want to install,you have to input a json there. " )
parser . add_argument ( " --install_online_resources_id " , help = " The online resources id of which resources you want to install. " )
parser . add_argument ( " --install_online_resources_dir " , help = " The game dir which you want to install to. " )
#Download Resources Area.
parser . add_argument ( " --download_url " , help = " The file url of resources which you want download.If you want to download multi files,you have to input json like: { \" number \" :10, \" url \" :[ \" example1.com \" , \" example2.com \" ]} and { \" number \" :10, \" path \" :[ \" \\ usr \\ root \\ home \\ Desktop \\ 1 \" , \" \\ usr \\ root \\ home \\ Desktop \\ 2 \" ]} " )
parser . add_argument ( " --download_path " , help = " The save path of resources which you want download. " )
#Get System Java Path Area.
parser . add_argument ( " --number_of_java " , help = " How many java path(s) you want to return.Do not set the number too big,it will cost a lot of time and system performance. " )
#Global Parameter Area.
parser . add_argument ( " --source " , help = " The source of online resources.If you want to use mix mode,you have to input a json like: { \" mode \" : \" mix \" , \" source \" : { \" number \" :number, \" source \" :[ \" source_1 \" , \" source_2 \" ]}}or not input anything. { \" bmclapi \" , \" gemcapi \" , \" minebbs \" , \" mojang \" , \" mix \" } " )
parser . add_argument ( " --memory " , help = " The memory that could be used by game.You should input with unit,if you send a null parameter,the core will get java path automatically. " )
parser . add_argument ( " --java " , help = " The java path of the system,if you send a null parameter,the core will get java path automatically. " )
parser . add_argument ( " --parameter " , help = " The excess parameter that launcher game need. " )
parser . add_argument ( " --dir " , help = " The game dir,if you send a null parameter,the core will use Mojang ' s Launcher ' s game dir. " )
parser . add_argument ( " --version " , help = " The game version. " )
parser . add_argument ( " --uuid " , help = " Your UUID,you can input your UUID by your self,this parameter isn ' t must,the core will generate one automatically.There ' s two mode you can use to generate UUID.The default mode is gmclc.If you want to use other mode,for example:hmcl mode,just input \" hmcl \" there. { \" hmcl \" , \" gmclc \" } " )
parser = parser . parse_args ( )
#Set Parameter into Var.
if ( parser . launcher_name == None ) :
launcher_name = config [ ' default_launcher_name ' ]
else :
launcher_name = parser . launcher_name
if ( parser . launcher_version == None ) :
launcher_version = config [ ' version ' ]
else :
launcher_version = parser . launcher_version
if ( parser . number_of_java == None ) :
number_of_java = 1
else :
try :
number_of_java = int ( parser . number_of_java )
except :
number_of_java = " "
if ( parser . game_dir == None ) :
game_dir = ' C: \\ Users \\ ' + str ( getpass . getuser ( ) ) + ' \\ AppData \\ Roaming \\ .minecraft '
else :
game_dir = parser . game_dir
#Set Config Into Var.
UA = { ' User-Agent ' : launcher_name + ' / ' + launcher_version + config [ ' useragent ' ] }
name = config [ ' name ' ]
logs_head = " [ " + config [ ' name ' ] + " ] "
#Sub_Program Area.
def log ( log_type , logvar ) :
global Log
global name
global logs_head
if ( log_type == " info " ) :
log_type = " INFO "
elif ( log_type == " warn " ) :
log_type = " WARN "
elif ( log_type == " error " ) :
log_type = " ERROR "
Log = Log + ' \n ' + logs_head + ' [ ' + time . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d % H: % M: % S " , time . localtime ( ) ) + ' ] ' + ' [ ' + log_type + ' ] ' + logvar
def return_data ( return_d ) :
if ( config [ ' return_mode ' ] == ' directly ' ) :
print ( return_d )
elif ( config [ ' return_mode ' ] == ' json ' ) :
if ( check_json ( return_d ) ) :
print ( ' { " return " : ' + return_d + ' , " logs " : " ' + Log . replace ( ' \n ' , ' \\ n ' ) + ' " } ' )
else :
print ( ' { " return " : " ' + return_d + ' " , " logs " : " ' + Log . replace ( ' \n ' , ' \\ n ' ) + ' " } ' )
def launcher_true ( email , password , memory , java , parameter , dir , version ) :
def launcher_false ( id , memory , java , parameter , dir , version ) :
def download_resources ( type , assembly , version ) :
def check_json ( input_str ) :
try :
json . loads ( input_str )
return True
except :
return False
def download ( url , dirpath ) :
global Log
global UA
global name
log ( " info " , ' The ' + name + ' is downloading the file ' + dirpath + ' . ' )
try :
download = requests . get ( url , headers = UA )
with open ( dirpath , " wb " ) as code :
code . write ( download . content )
except :
log ( " error " , ' There has a error in task while downloading the file ' + dirpath + ' from ' + url + ' . ' )
else :
log ( " info " , ' The file ' + dirpath + ' has been downloaded successfully. ' )
def make_dir_exist ( dirpath ) :
global Log
global name
if os . path . exists ( dirpath ) :
log ( " info " , ' The dir ' + dirpath + ' has already existed.Nothing to do. ' )
else :
log ( " info " , ' The dir ' + dirpath + ' does not exist.The ' + name + ' will create one. ' )
os . makedirs ( dirpath )
def memory ( return_type ) :
if ( return_type == " free " ) :
return psutil . virtual_memory ( ) . free
elif ( return_type == " used " ) :
return psutil . virtual_memory ( ) . used
elif ( return_type == " total " ) :
return psutil . virtual_memory ( ) . total
elif ( return_type == " auto " ) :
return 0.8 * psutil . virtual_memory ( ) . free
def error_output_log ( logpath ) :
global Log
global logs_head
logs_output = open ( logpath + ' / ' + str ( time . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d - % H- % M- % S " , time . localtime ( ) ) + ' .txt ' ) , mode = ' w ' )
logs_output . write ( Log + ' \n ' + logs_head + ' [ ' + time . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d % H: % M: % S " , time . localtime ( ) ) + ' ] ' + ' [INFO]Save logs successfully. ' + ' \n ' + logs_head + ' [ ' + time . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d % H: % M: % S " , time . localtime ( ) ) + ' ] ' + ' [WARN]Please check if the parameter is right. ' )
logs_output . close ( )
def deadly_error ( ) :
log ( " warn " , " There is a deadly error,the program will stop soon. " )
make_dir_exist ( ' logs ' )
error_output_log ( ' logs ' )
sys . exit ( 0 )
def search_java_windows_temp ( path , tagfile ) :
global number
for ipath in os . listdir ( path ) :
fulldir = os . path . join ( path , ipath )
if ( os . path . isfile ( fulldir ) ) :
if ( tagfile in os . path . split ( fulldir ) [ 1 ] ) :
print ( fulldir )
number = number + 1
if ( os . path . isdir ( fulldir ) ) :
try :
search_java_windows_temp ( fulldir , tagfile )
except :
if ( parser . number_of_java == " all " ) :
elif ( number == number_of_java ) :
def search_files ( path , tagfile ) :
global number
for ipath in os . listdir ( path ) :
fulldir = os . path . join ( path , ipath )
if ( os . path . isfile ( fulldir ) ) :
if ( tagfile in os . path . split ( fulldir ) [ 1 ] ) :
print ( fulldir )
number = number + 1
if ( os . path . isdir ( fulldir ) ) :
try :
search_files ( fulldir , tagfile )
except :
def get_uuid ( id , g_type ) :
if ( g_type == ' hmcl ' ) :
return_i = ' OfflinePlayer: ' + id
md5 = hashlib . md5 ( )
md5 . update ( return_i . encode ( encoding = ' utf-8 ' ) )
return md5 . hexdigest ( )
elif ( g_type == ' gmclc ' ) :
result = id
for i in range ( 0 , len ( id ) ) :
md5 = hashlib . md5 ( )
md5 . update ( result . encode ( encoding = ' utf-8 ' ) )
result = md5 . hexdigest ( )
return result
def make_file_exist ( file , url ) :
if ( parser . source == None ) :
num = random . randint ( 0 , 3 )
domain = source [ num ]
if ( num == 0 ) :
source_type = 0
elif ( num == 1 ) :
source_type = 0
elif ( num == 2 ) :
source_type = 1
elif ( num == 3 ) :
source_type = 1
elif ( parser . source == ' mix ' ) :
num = random . randint ( 0 , 3 )
domain = source [ num ]
if ( num == 0 ) :
source_type = 0
elif ( num == 1 ) :
source_type = 0
elif ( num == 2 ) :
source_type = 1
elif ( num == 3 ) :
source_type = 1
elif ( parser . source == ' bmclapi ' ) :
domain = source [ 0 ]
source_type = 0
elif ( parser . source == ' mcbbs ' ) :
domain = source [ 1 ]
source_type = 0
elif ( parser . source == ' gemcapi ' ) :
domain = source [ 2 ]
source_type = 1
elif ( parser . source == ' minebbs ' ) :
domain = source [ 3 ]
source_type = 1
elif ( parser . source == ' mojang ' ) :
source_type = 2
try :
f = open ( file )
f . close ( )
except :
if ( source_type == 2 ) :
os . system ( " python gmclc.py --type download_file --download_url " + url + " --download_path " + file )
return_data ( ' Downloading ' + url + ' to ' + file + ' . ' )
elif ( source_type == 0 ) :
url = url . replace ( ' https://libraries.minecraft.net ' , ' https://gemcapi.ghink.net/?path=minecraft/libraries ' )
os . system ( " python gmclc.py --type download_file --download_url " + url + " --download_path " + file )
return_data ( ' Downloading ' + url + ' to ' + file + ' . ' )
elif ( source_type == 1 ) :
url = url . replace ( ' https://libraries.minecraft.net ' , ' https://gemcapi.ghink.net/?path=minecraft/libraries ' )
os . system ( " python gmclc.py --type download_file --download_url " + url + " --download_path " + file )
return_data ( ' Downloading ' + url + ' to ' + file + ' . ' )
def unzip ( src , dir ) :
uz = zipfile . ZipFile ( src , ' r ' )
for file in uz . namelist ( ) :
try :
uz . extract ( file , dir )
except :
#Make Dir Area.
make_dir_exist ( " temp " )
2020-08-19 07:02:49 +00:00
#Use Statistics Area.
open_s = requests . get ( ' https://open.gmclc.statistics.ghink.net ' , headers = UA )
2020-08-18 18:34:14 +00:00
log ( " info " , " Start to deal the tasks that need to do. " )
if ( parser . type == " download_file " ) :
log ( " info " , " Download file(s) mode. " )
try :
try :
urljson = json . loads ( parser . download_url )
pathjson = json . loads ( parser . download_path )
if ( urljson [ ' number ' ] == pathjson [ ' number ' ] ) :
count = 0
for i in range ( 0 , urljson [ ' number ' ] ) :
try :
filepath = pathjson [ ' path ' ] [ count ]
dirpath = filepath . replace ( os . path . basename ( filepath ) , " " )
make_dir_exist ( dirpath )
download ( urljson [ ' url ' ] [ count ] , filepath )
except :
log ( " error " , " Some errors happened while downloading files,please check and try again. " )
count = count + 1
else :
log ( " error " , " The file(s) number is not same!We can ' t download the file(s). " )
deadly_error ( )
except :
try :
dirpath = parser . download_path . replace ( os . path . basename ( parser . download_path ) , " " )
make_dir_exist ( dirpath )
download ( parser . download_url , parser . download_path )
except :
log ( " error " , " Some errors happened while downloading files,please check and try again. " )
deadly_error ( )
except :
log ( " error " , " Some errors happened.We can ' t download the file(s),please check if the parameter you input is correct. " )
deadly_error ( )
elif ( parser . type == " get_system_memory " ) :
log ( " info " , " Get system memory mode. " )
try :
if ( parser . memory_data_type == " free " ) :
memory_data = memory ( " free " )
elif ( parser . memory_data_type == " used " ) :
memory_data = memory ( " used " )
elif ( parser . memory_data_type == " total " ) :
memory_data = memory ( " total " )
elif ( parser . memory_data_type == " auto " ) :
memory_data = memory ( " auto " )
else :
log ( " error " , " We can ' t get the memory data,please check if the parameter you input is coreect. " )
deadly_error ( )
if ( parser . memory_data_unit == None ) :
log ( " info " , " Return: " + str ( memory_data ) + ' . ' )
return_data ( str ( memory_data ) )
elif ( parser . memory_data_unit == " B " ) :
log ( " info " , " Return: " + str ( memory_data ) + ' . ' )
return_data ( str ( memory_data ) )
elif ( parser . memory_data_unit == " KB " ) :
log ( " info " , " Return: " + str ( memory_data / 1024 ) + ' . ' )
return_data ( str ( memory_data / 1024 ) )
elif ( parser . memory_data_unit == " MB " ) :
log ( " info " , " Return: " + str ( memory_data / 1024 / 1024 ) + ' . ' )
return_data ( str ( memory_data / 1024 / 1024 ) )
elif ( parser . memory_data_unit == " GB " ) :
log ( " info " , " Return: " + str ( memory_data / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 ) + ' . ' )
return_data ( str ( memory_data / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 ) )
elif ( parser . memory_data_unit == " TB " ) :
log ( " info " , " Return: " + str ( memory_data / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 ) + ' . ' )
return_data ( str ( memory_data / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 ) )
except :
log ( " error " , " Some errors happened.We can ' t get the memory data,please check if the parameter you input is correct. " )
deadly_error ( )
elif ( parser . type == " search_file " ) :
log ( " info " , " Search file mode. " )
if ( parser . file_name == None ) :
log ( " error " , " There has a error while search file,you can ' t let the parameter \" file_name \" be \" None \" ,please check is the parameter input correct. " )
else :
search_files ( parser . file_dir , parser . file_name )
elif ( parser . type == " get_uuid " ) :
log ( " info " , " Get UUID mode. " )
if ( parser . id == None ) :
return_data ( ' There has a error in parameters you input,please check if the parameter " id " is correct. ' )
log ( ' error ' , ' There has a error in parameters you input,please check if the parameter " id " is correct. ' )
deadly_error ( )
else :
if ( parser . uuid == None ) :
uuid = get_uuid ( parser . id , ' gmclc ' )
elif ( parser . uuid == ' gmclc ' ) :
uuid = get_uuid ( parser . id , ' gmclc ' )
elif ( parser . uuid == ' hmcl ' ) :
uuid = get_uuid ( parser . id , ' hmcl ' )
else :
return_data ( ' There has a error in parameters you input,please check if the parameter " uuid " is correct. ' )
log ( ' error ' , ' There has a error in parameters you input,please check if the parameter " uuid " is correct. ' )
deadly_error ( )
print ( uuid )
elif ( parser . type == " get_java_path " ) :
log ( " info " , " Get system java environment path mode. " )
if ( platform . system ( ) == ' Windows ' ) :
return_info = os . popen ( ' python gmclc.py --type temp_1 --number_of_java ' + str ( number_of_java ) )
return_i = return_info . read ( )
return_info . close ( )
with open ( ' temp/temp-3.gmclc ' , ' w ' ) as file_object :
file_object . write ( return_i )
number = 0
count = len ( open ( ' temp/temp-3.gmclc ' , ' r ' ) . readlines ( ) )
for line in open ( " temp/temp-3.gmclc " ) :
number = number + 1
with open ( ' temp/temp-4.gmclc ' , ' a ' ) as file_object :
if ( number == count ) :
if ( count == 1 ) :
file_object . write ( line . replace ( " \n " , " " ) )
else :
file_object . write ( line . replace ( " \n " , " " ) + ' " ] ' )
elif ( number == 1 ) :
file_object . write ( ' [ " ' + line . replace ( " \n " , " " ) + ' " , " ' )
else :
file_object . write ( line . replace ( " \n " , " " ) + ' " , " ' )
return_data ( open ( " temp/temp-4.gmclc " , ' r ' ) . read ( ) )
os . remove ( ' temp/temp-3.gmclc ' )
os . remove ( ' temp/temp-4.gmclc ' )
else :
return_data ( ' java ' )
elif ( parser . type == " get_game_version_list " ) :
log ( " info " , " Get game versions list mode. " )
if ( platform . system ( ) == ' Windows ' ) :
return_info = os . popen ( ' python gmclc.py --type search_file --file_name " .json " --file_dir " ' + game_dir + ' \\ versions " ' )
return_i = return_info . read ( )
return_info . close ( )
with open ( ' temp/temp-1.gmclc ' , ' w ' ) as file_object :
file_object . write ( return_i )
number = 0
count = len ( open ( ' temp/temp-1.gmclc ' , ' r ' ) . readlines ( ) )
for line in open ( " temp/temp-1.gmclc " ) :
number = number + 1
with open ( ' temp/temp-2.gmclc ' , ' a ' ) as file_object :
if ( number == count ) :
if ( count == 1 ) :
file_object . write ( ' " ' + line . replace ( line [ : : - 1 ] . split ( ' \\ ' , 1 ) [ - 1 ] [ : : - 1 ] , ' ' ) . replace ( ' \\ ' , ' ' ) . replace ( ' .json ' , ' ' ) . replace ( ' \n ' , ' ' ) + ' " ' )
else :
file_object . write ( line . replace ( line [ : : - 1 ] . split ( ' \\ ' , 1 ) [ - 1 ] [ : : - 1 ] , ' ' ) . replace ( ' \\ ' , ' ' ) . replace ( ' .json ' , ' ' ) . replace ( ' \n ' , ' ' ) + ' " ] ' )
elif ( number == 1 ) :
file_object . write ( ' [ " ' + line . replace ( line [ : : - 1 ] . split ( ' \\ ' , 1 ) [ - 1 ] [ : : - 1 ] , ' ' ) . replace ( ' \\ ' , ' ' ) . replace ( ' .json ' , ' ' ) . replace ( ' \n ' , ' ' ) + ' " , " ' )
else :
file_object . write ( line . replace ( line [ : : - 1 ] . split ( ' \\ ' , 1 ) [ - 1 ] [ : : - 1 ] , ' ' ) . replace ( ' \\ ' , ' ' ) . replace ( ' .json ' , ' ' ) . replace ( ' \n ' , ' ' ) + ' " , " ' )
return_data ( open ( " temp/temp-2.gmclc " , ' r ' ) . read ( ) )
os . remove ( ' temp/temp-1.gmclc ' )
os . remove ( ' temp/temp-2.gmclc ' )
else :
if ( parser . game_dir == None ) :
log ( ' Your system is UNIX or Linux,we can \' t use the Mojang \' s Launcher \' s game dir,please enter your game path and try again. ' )
else :
return_info = os . popen ( ' python gmclc.py --type search_file --file_name " .json " --file_dir " ' + game_dir + ' \\ versions " ' )
return_i = return_info . read ( )
return_info . close ( )
with open ( ' temp/temp-1.gmclc ' , ' w ' ) as file_object :
file_object . write ( return_i )
number = 0
count = len ( open ( ' temp/temp-1.gmclc ' , ' r ' ) . readlines ( ) )
for line in open ( " temp/temp-1.gmclc " ) :
number = number + 1
with open ( ' temp/temp-2.gmclc ' , ' a+ ' ) as file_object :
if ( number == count ) :
file_object . write ( line . replace ( line [ : : - 1 ] . split ( ' \\ ' , 1 ) [ - 1 ] [ : : - 1 ] , ' ' ) . replace ( ' \\ ' , ' ' ) . replace ( ' .json ' , ' ' ) . replace ( ' \n ' , ' ' ) + ' " ] ' )
elif ( number == 1 ) :
file_object . write ( ' [ " ' + line . replace ( line [ : : - 1 ] . split ( ' \\ ' , 1 ) [ - 1 ] [ : : - 1 ] , ' ' ) . replace ( ' \\ ' , ' ' ) . replace ( ' .json ' , ' ' ) . replace ( ' \n ' , ' ' ) + ' " , " ' )
else :
file_object . write ( line . replace ( line [ : : - 1 ] . split ( ' \\ ' , 1 ) [ - 1 ] [ : : - 1 ] , ' ' ) . replace ( ' \\ ' , ' ' ) . replace ( ' .json ' , ' ' ) . replace ( ' \n ' , ' ' ) + ' " , " ' )
return_data ( open ( " temp/temp-2.gmclc " , ' r ' ) . read ( ) )
os . remove ( ' temp/temp-1.gmclc ' )
os . remove ( ' temp/temp-2.gmclc ' )
elif ( parser . type == " clean_logs " ) :
log ( " info " , " Clean logs mode. " )
log ( " info " , " Cleaning logs...... " )
try :
shutil . rmtree ( " logs " )
except :
log ( " error " , " Cleaning logs error. " )
elif ( parser . type == " clean_temp " ) :
log ( " info " , " Clean temp mode. " )
log ( " info " , " Cleaning temp...... " )
try :
shutil . rmtree ( " temp " )
except :
log ( " error " , " Cleaning temp error. " )
elif ( parser . type == " clean " ) :
log ( " info " , " Clean file mode. " )
log ( " info " , " Cleaning file...... " )
try :
shutil . rmtree ( " logs " )
except :
log ( " error " , " Cleaning logs error. " )
try :
shutil . rmtree ( " temp " )
except :
log ( " error " , " Cleaning temp error. " )
elif ( parser . type == " clean_without_output " ) :
log ( " info " , " Clean file mode. " )
log ( " info " , " Cleaning file...... " )
try :
shutil . rmtree ( " logs " )
except :
try :
shutil . rmtree ( " temp " )
except :
sys . exit ( 0 )
elif ( parser . type == " clean_logs_without_output " ) :
log ( " info " , " Clean logs mode. " )
log ( " info " , " Cleaning logs...... " )
try :
shutil . rmtree ( " logs " )
except :
sys . exit ( 0 )
elif ( parser . type == " launcher_game " ) :
log ( " info " , " Launcher game mode. " )
return_data ( ' Checking game dir. ' )
log ( ' info ' , ' Checking game dir. ' )
if ( parser . dir == None ) :
if ( platform . system ( ) == ' Windows ' ) :
dir_i = ' C: \\ Users \\ ' + str ( getpass . getuser ( ) ) + ' \\ AppData \\ Roaming \\ .minecraft '
else :
return_data ( ' Your system is UNIX or Linux,we can \' t use the Mojang \' s Launcher \' s game dir,please enter your game path and try again. ' )
log ( ' error ' , ' Your system is UNIX or Linux,we can \' t use the Mojang \' s Launcher \' s game dir,please enter your game path and try again. ' )
deadly_error ( )
else :
dir_i = parser . dir
2020-08-19 07:02:49 +00:00
return_data ( ' Checking game copyright. ' )
log ( ' info ' , ' Checking game copyright. ' )
if ( parser . copyright == None ) :
if ( parser . id == None ) :
return_data ( ' There has a error in parameters you input,please check if the parameter " id " is correct. ' )
log ( ' error ' , ' There has a error in parameters you input,please check if the parameter " id " is correct. ' )
deadly_error ( )
2020-08-18 18:34:14 +00:00
else :
2020-08-19 07:02:49 +00:00
return_data ( ' Checking player uuid. ' )
log ( ' info ' , ' Checking player uuid. ' )
if ( parser . uuid == None ) :
uuid = get_uuid ( parser . id , ' gmclc ' )
elif ( parser . uuid == ' gmclc ' ) :
uuid = get_uuid ( parser . id , ' gmclc ' )
elif ( parser . uuid == ' hmcl ' ) :
uuid = get_uuid ( parser . id , ' hmcl ' )
elif ( len ( parser . uuid ) == 32 ) :
uuid = parser . uuid
else :
return_data ( ' There has a error in parameters you input,please check if the parameter " uuid " is correct. ' )
log ( ' error ' , ' There has a error in parameters you input,please check if the parameter " uuid " is correct. ' )
deadly_error ( )
access_token = uuid
id_i = parser . id
elif ( parser . copyright == ' false ' ) :
if ( parser . id == None ) :
return_data ( ' There has a error in parameters you input,please check if the parameter " id " is correct. ' )
log ( ' error ' , ' There has a error in parameters you input,please check if the parameter " id " is correct. ' )
deadly_error ( )
else :
return_data ( ' Checking player uuid. ' )
log ( ' info ' , ' Checking player uuid. ' )
if ( parser . uuid == None ) :
uuid = get_uuid ( parser . id , ' gmclc ' )
elif ( parser . uuid == ' gmclc ' ) :
uuid = get_uuid ( parser . id , ' gmclc ' )
elif ( parser . uuid == ' hmcl ' ) :
uuid = get_uuid ( parser . id , ' hmcl ' )
elif ( len ( parser . uuid ) == 32 ) :
uuid = parser . uuid
else :
return_data ( ' There has a error in parameters you input,please check if the parameter " uuid " is correct. ' )
log ( ' error ' , ' There has a error in parameters you input,please check if the parameter " uuid " is correct. ' )
deadly_error ( )
access_token = uuid
id_i = parser . id
elif ( parser . copyright == ' true ' ) :
if ( parser . email == None ) :
return_data ( ' There has a error in parameters you input,please check if the parameter " email " is correct. ' )
log ( ' error ' , ' There has a error in parameters you input,please check if the parameter " email " is correct. ' )
deadly_error ( )
elif ( parser . email . count ( ' @ ' ) == 1 ) :
email = parser . email
else :
return_data ( ' There has a error in parameters you input,please check if the parameter " email " is correct. ' )
log ( ' error ' , ' There has a error in parameters you input,please check if the parameter " email " is correct. ' )
deadly_error ( )
if ( parser . password == None ) :
return_data ( ' There has a error in parameters you input,please check if the parameter " password " is correct. ' )
log ( ' error ' , ' There has a error in parameters you input,please check if the parameter " password " is correct. ' )
deadly_error ( )
else :
password = parser . password
if ( json . loads ( requests . get ( ' https://authserver.mojang.com/ ' , headers = UA ) . text ) [ ' Status ' ] == ' OK ' ) :
rq_r = json . loads ( requests . post ( ' https://authserver.mojang.com/authenticate ' , ' { " agent " : { " name " : " Minecraft " , " version " : 1}, " username " : " ' + parser . email + ' " , " password " : " ' + parser . password + ' " } ' , headers = UA ) . text )
access_token = rq_r [ ' accessToken ' ]
id_i = rq_r [ ' selectedProfile ' ] [ ' name ' ]
uuid = rq_r [ ' selectedProfile ' ] [ ' id ' ]
else :
return_data ( ' There has a error while login to mojang account,the auth server has failed. ' )
log ( ' error ' , ' There has a error while login to mojang account,the auth server has failed. ' )
2020-08-18 18:34:14 +00:00
deadly_error ( )
return_data ( ' Checking game version(s). ' )
log ( ' info ' , ' Checking game version(s). ' )
if ( parser . version == None ) :
return_data ( ' There has a error in parameters you input,please check if the parameter " version " is correct. ' )
log ( ' error ' , ' There has a error in parameters you input,please check if the parameter " version " is correct. ' )
deadly_error ( )
else :
return_info = os . popen ( ' python gmclc.py --type get_game_version_list --game_dir " ' + dir_i )
return_i = return_info . read ( )
if ( return_i . count ( ' " ' + parser . version + ' " ' ) != 0 ) :
game_config_open = open ( dir_i + ' \\ versions \\ ' + parser . version + ' \\ ' + parser . version + ' .json ' , encoding = ' UTF-8 ' )
game_config_json = game_config_open . read ( )
game_config_open . close ( )
game_config = json . loads ( game_config_json )
return_data ( ' Checking game files. ' )
log ( ' info ' , ' Checking game files. ' )
number = 0
for i in range ( 0 , game_config_json . count ( ' " path " ' ) ) :
try :
make_file_exist ( dir_i + ' \\ libraries \\ ' + game_config [ ' libraries ' ] [ number ] [ ' downloads ' ] [ ' artifact ' ] [ ' path ' ] . replace ( ' / ' , ' \\ ' ) , game_config [ ' libraries ' ] [ number ] [ ' downloads ' ] [ ' artifact ' ] [ ' url ' ] )
if ( platform . system ( ) == ' Windows ' ) :
try :
make_file_exist ( dir_i + ' \\ libraries \\ ' + game_config [ ' libraries ' ] [ number ] [ ' downloads ' ] [ ' classifiers ' ] [ ' natives-windows ' ] [ ' path ' ] . replace ( ' / ' , ' \\ ' ) , game_config [ ' libraries ' ] [ number ] [ ' downloads ' ] [ ' classifiers ' ] [ ' natives-windows ' ] [ ' url ' ] )
except :
try :
make_file_exist ( dir_i + ' \\ libraries \\ ' + game_config [ ' patches ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' libraries ' ] [ number ] [ ' downloads ' ] [ ' classifiers ' ] [ ' natives-windows ' ] [ ' path ' ] . replace ( ' / ' , ' \\ ' ) , game_config [ ' patches ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' libraries ' ] [ number ] [ ' downloads ' ] [ ' classifiers ' ] [ ' natives-windows ' ] [ ' url ' ] )
except :
elif ( platform . system ( ) == ' Linux ' ) :
try :
make_file_exist ( dir_i + ' \\ libraries \\ ' + game_config [ ' libraries ' ] [ number ] [ ' downloads ' ] [ ' classifiers ' ] [ ' natives-linux ' ] [ ' path ' ] . replace ( ' / ' , ' \\ ' ) , game_config [ ' libraries ' ] [ number ] [ ' downloads ' ] [ ' classifiers ' ] [ ' natives-linux ' ] [ ' url ' ] )
except :
try :
make_file_exist ( dir_i + ' \\ libraries \\ ' + game_config [ ' patches ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' libraries ' ] [ number ] [ ' downloads ' ] [ ' classifiers ' ] [ ' natives-linux ' ] [ ' path ' ] . replace ( ' / ' , ' \\ ' ) , game_config [ ' patches ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' libraries ' ] [ number ] [ ' downloads ' ] [ ' classifiers ' ] [ ' natives-linux ' ] [ ' url ' ] )
except :
else :
try :
make_file_exist ( dir_i + ' \\ libraries \\ ' + game_config [ ' libraries ' ] [ number ] [ ' downloads ' ] [ ' classifiers ' ] [ ' natives-macos ' ] [ ' path ' ] . replace ( ' / ' , ' \\ ' ) , game_config [ ' libraries ' ] [ number ] [ ' downloads ' ] [ ' classifiers ' ] [ ' natives-macos ' ] [ ' url ' ] )
except :
try :
make_file_exist ( dir_i + ' \\ libraries \\ ' + game_config [ ' patches ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' libraries ' ] [ number ] [ ' downloads ' ] [ ' classifiers ' ] [ ' natives-macos ' ] [ ' path ' ] . replace ( ' / ' , ' \\ ' ) , game_config [ ' patches ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' libraries ' ] [ number ] [ ' downloads ' ] [ ' classifiers ' ] [ ' natives-macos ' ] [ ' url ' ] )
except :
except :
number = number + 1
if ( os . path . isdir ( dir_i + ' \\ versions \\ ' + parser . version + ' \\ natives ' ) ) :
else :
make_dir_exist ( dir_i + ' \\ versions \\ ' + parser . version + ' \\ natives ' )
number = 0
for i in range ( 0 , game_config_json . count ( ' " path " ' ) ) :
if ( platform . system ( ) == ' Windows ' ) :
try :
unzip ( dir_i + ' \\ libraries \\ ' + game_config [ ' libraries ' ] [ number ] [ ' downloads ' ] [ ' classifiers ' ] [ ' natives-windows ' ] [ ' path ' ] . replace ( ' / ' , ' \\ ' ) , dir_i + ' \\ versions \\ ' + parser . version + ' \\ natives ' )
except :
try :
unzip ( dir_i + ' \\ libraries \\ ' + game_config [ ' patches ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' libraries ' ] [ number ] [ ' downloads ' ] [ ' classifiers ' ] [ ' natives-windows ' ] [ ' path ' ] . replace ( ' / ' , ' \\ ' ) , dir_i + ' \\ versions \\ ' + parser . version + ' \\ natives ' )
except :
elif ( platform . system ( ) == ' Linux ' ) :
try :
unzip ( dir_i + ' \\ libraries \\ ' + game_config [ ' libraries ' ] [ number ] [ ' downloads ' ] [ ' classifiers ' ] [ ' natives-linux ' ] [ ' path ' ] . replace ( ' / ' , ' \\ ' ) , dir_i + ' \\ versions \\ ' + parser . version + ' \\ natives ' )
except :
try :
unzip ( dir_i + ' \\ libraries \\ ' + game_config [ ' patches ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' libraries ' ] [ number ] [ ' downloads ' ] [ ' classifiers ' ] [ ' natives-linux ' ] [ ' path ' ] . replace ( ' / ' , ' \\ ' ) , dir_i + ' \\ versions \\ ' + parser . version + ' \\ natives ' )
except :
else :
try :
unzip ( dir_i + ' \\ libraries \\ ' + game_config [ ' libraries ' ] [ number ] [ ' downloads ' ] [ ' classifiers ' ] [ ' natives-macos ' ] [ ' path ' ] . replace ( ' / ' , ' \\ ' ) , dir_i + ' \\ versions \\ ' + parser . version + ' \\ natives ' )
except :
try :
unzip ( dir_i + ' \\ libraries \\ ' + game_config [ ' patches ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' libraries ' ] [ number ] [ ' downloads ' ] [ ' classifiers ' ] [ ' natives-macos ' ] [ ' path ' ] . replace ( ' / ' , ' \\ ' ) , dir_i + ' \\ versions \\ ' + parser . version + ' \\ natives ' )
except :
number = number + 1
cp = " "
number = 0
for i in range ( 0 , game_config_json . count ( ' " path " ' ) ) :
try :
cp = cp + dir_i + ' \\ libraries \\ ' + game_config [ ' libraries ' ] [ number ] [ ' downloads ' ] [ ' artifact ' ] [ ' path ' ] . replace ( ' / ' , ' \\ ' ) + ' ; '
except :
try :
cp = cp + dir_i + ' \\ libraries \\ ' + game_config [ ' patches ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' libraries ' ] [ number ] [ ' downloads ' ] [ ' artifact ' ] [ ' path ' ] . replace ( ' / ' , ' \\ ' ) + ' ; '
except :
number = number + 1
cp = cp + dir_i + ' \\ versions \\ ' + parser . version + ' \\ ' + parser . version + ' .jar '
return_data ( ' Checking java environment. ' )
log ( ' info ' , ' Checking java environment. ' )
if ( parser . java == None ) :
return_info = os . popen ( ' python gmclc.py --type get_java_path ' )
java = return_info . read ( )
return_info . close ( )
elif ( os . path . exists ( parser . java ) ) :
java = parser . java
else :
return_data ( ' The java program you input is not exist!Please check if the parameter you input is correct! ' )
log ( ' error ' , ' The java program you input is not exist!Please check if the parameter you input is correct! ' )
deadly_error ( )
return_data ( ' Checking memory parameter. ' )
log ( ' info ' , ' Checking memory parameter. ' )
if ( parser . memory == None ) :
return_info = os . popen ( ' python gmclc.py --type get_system_memory --memory_data_type auto --memory_data_unit MB ' )
memory = str ( math . ceil ( float ( return_info . read ( ) . replace ( " \n " , " " ) ) ) ) + " m "
return_info . close ( )
else :
memory = parser . memory
try :
asset_index = game_config [ ' assetIndex ' ] [ ' id ' ]
except :
asset_index = game_config [ ' patches ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' assetIndex ' ] [ ' id ' ]
2020-08-19 07:02:49 +00:00
command = ' \" ' + java . replace ( ' \n ' , ' ' ) + ' \" -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=16M -XX:-UseAdaptiveSizePolicy -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow -Xmn128m -Xmx ' + memory + ' -Dfml.ignoreInvalidMinecraftCertificates=true -Dfml.ignorePatchDiscrepancies=true -XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance_javaw.exe_minecraft.exe.heapdump -Djava.library.path= ' + dir_i + ' \\ versions \\ ' + parser . version + ' \\ natives -Dminecraft.launcher.brand= ' + config [ ' default_launcher_name ' ] + ' -Dminecraft.launcher.version= ' + config [ ' version ' ] + ' -cp ' + cp + ' net.minecraft.client.main.Main --username ' + id_i + ' --version " ' + config [ ' default_launcher_name ' ] + ' ' + config [ ' version ' ] + ' " --gameDir ' + dir_i + ' --assetsDir ' + dir_i + ' \\ assets --assetIndex ' + asset_index + ' --uuid ' + uuid + ' --accessToken ' + access_token + ' --userProperties {} --userType mojang --versionType " ' + config [ ' default_launcher_name ' ] + ' ' + config [ ' version ' ] + ' " '
2020-08-18 18:34:14 +00:00
subprocess . Popen ( command , shell = True )
2020-08-19 07:02:49 +00:00
open_s = requests . get ( ' https://launch.gmclc.statistics.ghink.net ' , headers = UA )
2020-08-18 18:34:14 +00:00
else :
return_data ( ' The version you input is not exist!Please check if the parameter you input is correct! ' )
log ( ' error ' , ' The vversion you input is not exist!Please check if the parameter you input is correct! ' )
deadly_error ( )
#Temp Mode Area.
elif ( parser . type == " temp_1 " ) : #Get java mode temp
search_java_windows_temp ( ' C: \\ Program Files \\ Java \\ ' , ' javaw.exe ' )
#Starting To Save Logs.
log ( " info " , ' Starting to save logs. ' )
try :
make_dir_exist ( " logs " )
except :
logs_output = open ( ' logs/ ' + str ( time . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d - % H- % M- % S " , time . localtime ( ) ) + ' .txt ' ) , mode = ' w ' )
logs_output . write ( Log + ' \n ' + logs_head + ' [ ' + time . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d % H: % M: % S " , time . localtime ( ) ) + ' ] ' + ' [INFO]Save logs successfully. ' + ' \n ' + logs_head + ' [ ' + time . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d % H: % M: % S " , time . localtime ( ) ) + ' ] ' + ' [INFO]The task has done successfully. ' )
logs_output . close ( )