import os,requests,json,time,sys,argparse,psutil #-------------------------------------------------------# #Environment Setup Area. #Set Global Var. Log='[Logs Output]' #Read Config File. config_open=open("config.json", mode='r') config_open.close() try: config=json.loads(config_json) config_state=True except: config_state=False Log=Log + '\n' + "[Program]" + '[' + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) + ']' + '[INFO]Starting to read config file.' if(config_state==True): Log=Log + '\n' + "[" + config['name'] + "]" + '[' + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) + ']' + '[INFO]Read config successfully.' else: Log=Log + '\n' + "[Program]" + '[' + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) + ']' + '[ERROR]Read config failed.' Log=Log + '\n' + "[Program]" + '[' + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) + ']' + '[WARN]There is a deadly error,the program will stop soon.' Log=Log + '\n' + "[Program]" + '[' + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) + ']' + '[INFO]Starting to save log.' if os.path.exists('logs'): Log=Log + '\n' + "[Program]" + '[' + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) + ']' + '[INFO]The dir logs has already existed.Nothing to do.' else: Log=Log + '\n' + "[Program]" + '[' + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) + ']' + '[INFO]The dir logs does not exist.The program will create one.' os.makedirs('logs') logs_output=open('logs/' + str(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S", time.localtime()) + '.txt'),mode='w') logs_output.write(Log + '\n' + "[Program]" + '[' + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) + ']' + '[INFO]Save logs successfully.' + '\n' + "[Program]" + '[' + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) + ']' + '[WARN]Please check if the json is right.') logs_output.close() sys.exit(0) #Get Parameter. parser=argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--launcher_name", help="The name of the launcher.") parser.add_argument("--launcher_version", help="The version of the launcher.") parser.add_argument("--type", help="The type of task,{\"get_game_version_list\",\"get_java_path\",\"get_system_memory\",\"get_online_source_list\",\"install_online_source\",\"download_file\"}") parser.add_argument("--copyright", help="The copyright of the game,true of false.") #Launcher Game Parameter Area. #True Copyright. parser.add_argument("--email", help="The email of game account.(If your game is genuine,you have to input this parameter.)") parser.add_argument("--password", help="The password of game account.(If your game is genuine,you have to input this parameter.") #False Copyright. parser.add_argument("--id", help="The id of game.(If your game is not genuine,you have to input this parameter.)") #Get System Memory Area. parser.add_argument("--memory_data_type", help="The data type of memory that will return.{\"free\",\"used\",\"total\"}") parser.add_argument("--memory_data_unit", help="The data unit of memory that will return,the default unit is B.{\"MB\",\"KB\",\"GB\",\"B\",\"TB\"}") #Get Online Source List Area. parser.add_argument("--online_source_list_from", help="The from of online source list.{\"BMCLAPI\",\"GEMCAPI\",\"MOJANG\",\"MIX\"}") parser.add_argument("--online_source_list_type", help="The online source type of list.") parser.add_argument("--online_source_list_return_type", help="The return data type of return data of online source,the default is json.{\"json\"}") #Install online Source Area. parser.add_argument("--install_online_source_from", help="The from of online source which you want to install.{\"BMCLAPI\",\"GEMCAPI\",\"MOJANG\",\"MIX\"}") parser.add_argument("--install_online_source_type", help="The online source type of which source you want to install,If you want to install one type with other source,you have to input a json there.") parser.add_argument("--install_online_source_id", help="The online source id of which source you want to install.") parser.add_argument("--install_online_source_dir", help="The game dir which you want to install to.") #Download Source Area. parser.add_argument("--download_url", help="The file url of source which you want download.If you want to download multi files,you have to input json like:{\"number\":10,\"url\":[\"\",\"\"]} and {\"number\":10,\"path\":[\"\\usr\\root\\home\\Desktop\\1\",\"\\usr\\root\\home\\Desktop\\2\"]}") parser.add_argument("--download_path", help="The save path of source which you want download.") #Global Parameter Area. parser.add_argument("--memory", help="The memory that could be used by game.You should input with unit.") parser.add_argument("--java", help="The java path of the system,if you send a null parameter,the core will get java path automatically.") parser.add_argument("--parameter", help="The excess parameter that launcher game need.") parser.add_argument("--dir", help="The game dir.") parser.add_argument("--version", help="The game version.") parser=parser.parse_args() #Set Parameter into Var. if(parser.launcher_name==None): launcher_name=config['default_launcher_name'] else: launcher_name=parser.launcher_name if(parser.launcher_version==None): launcher_version=config['version'] else: launcher_version=parser.launcher_version #Set Config Into Var. UA={'User-Agent':launcher_name + '/' + launcher_version + config['useragent']} name=config['name'] logs_head="[" + config['name'] + "]" #-------------------------------------------------------# #Sub_Program Area. def log(log_type,logvar): global Log global name global logs_head if(log_type=="info"): log_type="INFO" elif(log_type=="warn"): log_type="WARN" elif(log_type=="error"): log_type="ERROR" Log=Log + '\n' + logs_head + '[' + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) + ']' + '[' + log_type + ']' + logvar def launcher_true(email,password,memory,java,parameter,dir,version): null="" def launcher_false(id,memory,java,parameter,dir,version): null="" def download_source(type,assembly,version): null="" def download(url, dirpath): global Log global UA global name log("info",'The ' + name + ' is downloading the file ' + filepath + '.') try: download=requests.get(url, headers=UA) with open(filepath,"wb") as code: code.write(download.content) except: log("error",'There has a error in task while downloading the file ' + filepath + '.') else: log("info",'The file ' + filepath + ' has been downloaded successfully.') def make_dir_exist(dirpath): global Log global name if os.path.exists(dirpath): log("info",'The dir ' + dirpath + ' has already existed.Nothing to do.') else: log("info",'The dir ' + dirpath + ' does not exist.The ' + name + ' will create one.') os.makedirs(dirpath) def memory(return_type): if(return_type=="free"): return psutil.virtual_memory().free elif(return_type=="used"): return psutil.virtual_memory().used elif(return_type=="total"): return psutil.virtual_memory().total def error_output_log(logpath): global Log global logs_head logs_output=open(logpath + '/' + str(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S", time.localtime()) + '.txt'),mode='w') logs_output.write(Log + '\n' + logs_head + '[' + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) + ']' + '[INFO]Save logs successfully.' + '\n' + logs_head + '[' + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) + ']' + '[WARN]Please check if the parameter is right.') logs_output.close() def deadly_error(): log("warn","There is a deadly error,the program will stop soon.") make_dir_exist(config['logs_path']) error_output_log(config['logs_path']) sys.exit(0) #-------------------------------------------------------# log("info","Start to deal the tasks that need to do.") if(parser.type=="download_file"): log("info","Download file(s) mode.") try: try: urljson=json.loads(parser.download_url) pathjson=json.loads(parser.download_path) if(urljson['number']==pathjson['number']): count=0 for i in range(0,urljson['number']): try: download(urljson['url'][count],pathjson['path'][count]) except: log("error""Some errors happened while downloading files,please check and try again.") count=count+1 else: log("error","The file(s) number is not same!We can't download the file(s).") deadly_error() except: try: download(urljson['url'][count],pathjson['path'][count]) except: log("error""Some errors happened while downloading files,please check and try again.") deadly_error() except: log("error","Some errors happened.We can't download the file(s),please check if the parameter you input is correct.") deadly_error() elif(parser.type=="get_system_memory"): log("info","Get system memory mode.") try: if(parser.memory_data_type=="free"): memory_data=memory("free") elif(parser.memory_data_type=="used"): memory_data=memory("used") elif(parser.memory_data_type=="total"): memory_data=memory("total") else: log("error","We can't get the memory data,please check if the parameter you input is coreect.") deadly_error() if(parser.memory_data_unit==None): print(memory_data) log("info","Return:" + str(memory_data) + '.') elif(parser.memory_data_unit=="B"): print(memory_data) log("info","Return:" + str(memory_data) + '.') elif(parser.memory_data_unit=="KB"): print(memory_data / 1024) log("info","Return:" + str(memory_data / 1024) + '.') elif(parser.memory_data_unit=="MB"): print(memory_data / 1024 / 1024) log("info","Return:" + str(memory_data / 1024 / 1024) + '.') elif(parser.memory_data_unit=="GB"): print(memory_data / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) log("info","Return:" + str(memory_data / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) + '.') elif(parser.memory_data_unit=="TB"): print(memory_data / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) log("info","Return:" + str(memory_data / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) + '.') except: log("error","Some errors happened.We can't get the memory data,please check if the parameter you input is correct.") deadly_error() #-------------------------------------------------------# #Make Dir Area. make_dir_exist("logs") #-------------------------------------------------------# #Starting To Save Logs. log("info",'Starting to save logs.') logs_output=open(config['logs_path'] + '/' + str(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S", time.localtime()) + '.txt'),mode='w') logs_output.write(Log + '\n' + logs_head + '[' + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) + ']' + '[INFO]Save logs successfully.' + '\n' + logs_head + '[' + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) + ']' + '[INFO]The task has done successfully.') logs_output.close()