# Front Design For GeSong System ## Content ### Before ### Front(User) #### 1. Index Page #### 2. Search Page #### 3. History Page #### 4. List Page #### 5. Confirm Page ### Back(Admin) #### 1. Access Page #### 2. Audit Page #### 3. List Page #### 4. System Page ## Before #### All template use WebApi to deal the operate #### Recommand Vue.js, but you still can use jQuery(Ajax) :D #### All Response Code (Int) ##### `10000` `Success` ## Front(User) ### Index Page #### The index page use the root path ("/"), #### Server will response a 301 code to jump to search page ("/search") ### Search Page #### The search page use the path "/search" #### A user have to log in to use the search function #### WebApi Interface Detail: ##### Path: `/api/search` ##### Method: `POST` ##### Args: ###### `keyword` `string` `keyword of the song` ###### `token` `string` `user token` ##### Response Format: `Json` ##### Json Args: ###### `code` `int` `response code` ###### `content` `list` `list of songs` ##### List of Songs Args(content): ###### `pid` `int` `platform id` ###### `id` `int` `song id(platform)` ###### `name` `string` `name of song` ###### `artists` `list` `list of artists` ###### `album` `dict` `album of this song` ###### `url` `string` `the media url of this song` ##### List of Artists Args: ###### `id` `int` `artist id(platform)` ###### `name` `string` `name of this artist` ###### `cover` `string` `image url of this aritist` ##### Album Args: ###### `id` `int` `album id(platform)` ###### `name` `string` `name of this album` ###### `cover` `string` `image url of this album` ### History Page #### The history page use the path "/history" #### Anybody can directly get history of songs #### WebApi Interface Detail: ##### Path: `/api/history` ##### Method: `GET` ##### Args: `Nothing` ##### Response Format: `Json` ##### Json Args: ###### `code` `int` `response code` ###### `content` `list` `list of history songs`